Emirates, Qatar, Etihad cabin crew CV, Open day, Assessment day training

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Why do candidates talk too much at the cabin crew final interview?

When answering final interview questions including virtual video assessments for Etihad, Emirates or Qatar, remember one golden rule - please do not overshare. Don’t share anything that does not Impact your job performance.

Why do candidates speak too much? This often happens if a candidate is feeling nervous or desperate to get the job, they tend to offer more information than the question requires. Treating a Jon as a dream job can sometimes work to your disadvantage as these candidates have a tendency to offer too much information.

Some candidates cannot tolerate silence especially when the recruiter has not responded immediately with the next question. If the recruiter doesn’t comment or ask another question, never feel compelled that you must fill that silence by continuing to talk.

Some candidates do not know what the question is asking because they don’t quite understand it, so they overspend time second guessing it, and this leads to irrelevant information or repetition. Always make it a point to repeat the question or seek clarification before answering it.

If you are not well prepared and have not practised good answers to interview questions, there is often a tendency to say too much.

Please do not mention something that may be important to you, but not relevant to the cabin crew role. If this is the case, then please do not raise it. The recruiters are not your advisors.

The recruiter may be very nice and treats you like your good friend, but, the only reason she is friendly is because she is evaluating if you are fit for the role, and to make you feel very comfortable so you will reveal unnecessary personal information which will be detrimental to you!

A recruiter who adopts the friendly role is a sneaky person to ensure your true personality is revealed, which may break your chances. Remember this - your personality can make or break your chances.

Back at HR, they will do a social media search of you so if there is anything online (on Instagram or Facebook( that you feel could hurt your chances of getting the cabin crew role, then make sure you edit before applying for the role. In dedicated Facebook groups, be careful and professional on what you say, as there are recruiters posing as candidates.

You do not want recruiters to blacklist and suppress your names, so preventing you from appearing on their searches.